
Jan 26, 2020
I, for one, can't code for shit. I also can't speak for anyone else, but I know damn well my writing would eventually turn into inane smutty rambling, and I'd be christened as TOBs the Second. At that point I'd probably find the nearest pier, toss my PC into the ocean and move to some isolated part of the world to hide from the shame.
better than how the rest of the TiTS 'writing team' do things. if only they'd done the same


Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
THIS. It's so pathetic how everyone and their mother use the "falling ill" excuse almost every other week, not to mention Fen making it look like he lives at the ICU considering how many times he's been """""""""""""""""""""sick"""""""""""""""""""""""".
The reason is quite simple, they have no consequences for being """sick""" There won't be a manager on their ass for missing work, nor would they also get penalized for missing deadlines by investors. The complete liberty in which crowdfunding grants you, just invites absolute sloth-like behavior and business managing. After all, why do actual work when you can just drag your feet for a decade if you are going to receive a 30k check regardless?

I can guarantee you, if their patreon got canceled tomorrow, this game would be finished in less than 3 months and the full release will be out in a storefront somewhere for like 10-20$


Mar 12, 2021
The reason is quite simple, they have no consequences for being """sick""" There won't be a manager on their ass for missing work, nor would they also get penalized for missing deadlines by investors. The complete liberty in which crowdfunding grants you, just invites absolute sloth-like behavior and business managing. After all, why do actual work when you can just drag your feet for a decade if you are going to receive a 30k check regardless?

I can guarantee you, if their patreon got canceled tomorrow, this game would be finished in less than 3 months and the full release will be out in a storefront somewhere for like 10-20$
You could always start organizing efforts to report their Patreon; I'm sure there are materials in the game that violate ToS if you want to test your theory.


May 7, 2023
The reason is quite simple, they have no consequences for being """sick""" There won't be a manager on their ass for missing work, nor would they also get penalized for missing deadlines by investors. The complete liberty in which crowdfunding grants you, just invites absolute sloth-like behavior and business managing. After all, why do actual work when you can just drag your feet for a decade if you are going to receive a 30k check regardless?
crowdfunding does not give as much liberty as you claim. unsubscribing is always a possibility. on the other hand, you can try "effective business management", if you want soulless corporate slop with a shit-ton of predatory monetization in every hole instead. sick, burnt-out people too busy dealing with their bills don't make good creators.

I can guarantee you, if their patreon got canceled tomorrow, this game would be finished in less than 3 months and the full release will be out in a storefront somewhere for like 10-20$
yeah, more likely they will just cut and censor more content like they already did back when it was still a flash game. your guarantees are about as good as american insurance policies.
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Nov 24, 2017
crowdfunding does not give as much liberty as you claim. unsubscribing is always a possibility. on the other hand, you can try "effective business management", if you want soulless corporate slop with a shit-ton of predatory monetization in every hole instead. sick, burnt-out people too busy dealing with their bills don't make good creators.
Technically, you are 100% right. However, I dare you go to the Fenoxo Discord, and you will find that it's the most insufferable hugbox in existence, right next to the cavemen at DoggieBones'. They will never find a flaw in this game or how the developers are carrying it out. They will eat whatever Fenoxo throws them. Reminds me of that loser HentaiWriter and his blind followers. Some people are just willfully blind.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
crowdfunding does not give as much liberty as you claim. unsubscribing is always a possibility. on the other hand, you can try "effective business management", if you want soulless corporate slop with a shit-ton of predatory monetization in every hole instead. sick, burnt-out people too busy dealing with their bills don't make good creators.
This is a fantasy. The reason why "Unsubscribing" doesn't work as protest is because your overall impact is negligible. Whereas you find issues, countless others do not, and due to that, unsubscribing will never be a problem once you're too big. It would be a different story if the 30k monthly were split among 5-12 individuals. As each individual departure would significantly affect the overall income of the patreon. That's why investors and shareholders hold power to influence how companies act and operate, and crowdfunders do not.
yeah, more likely they will just cut and censor more content like they already did back when it was still a flash game. your guarantees are about as good as american insurance policies.
Idk how you jumped to any of that but sure whatever.
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Dec 19, 2020
I still feel the only thing I want from this game anymore is a romantic epic with your cousin where the two of you fall in love and unite SteeleTech into the ultimate corporate empire.

I just think her going from arrogant brat to deredere would be cute.
You and me both, Im a bit sucker for enemies/rivals into lover kind of thing.

I hope we get to play the long game with the cousin and depending on our action and/or our standing with them throughout the whatever relevant story we might have romantic, platonic and arch-nemesis relationship.

also wish we know what's the story about the cousin that cause MC father to request MC to treat them better if they can.

I fear it will never come. And if it does, it will be crap. I'd almost want to write it myself if I could be bothered. She deserves better. We deserve better.
I wish we have another TITS like game but better writing and more in depth story, as they say competition will make them more innovative but i dont think we will see it happened.
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May 27, 2021
You and me both, Im a bit sucker for enemies/rivals into lover kind of thing.
Can you think of any games that do it really well? I can't even really think of any. I know there's corruption shit and the like where you capture the rival and fuck them into submission or something, or maybe if you're lucky you get to be nice when you capture them instead of dominating them and have them fall in love with you somehow, but are there any where it happens on relatively even terms?
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Aug 5, 2021
(Sorry In Advance if this is a bit of a long one) So I've been playing TITS again recently and to spice things up, I am doing a male run and not not getting a dick in me, and other then restarting or undoing a save SEVERAL time cause I forget some peeps are Futa even though they don't have a bulge at all, and my dick to big so I have to receive but thats beside the point.
I got Reaha again and I forgot how much I enjoyed her Character and how much I feel sorry for her after talking to and getting to now her, and I thought I wonder how her Futa TF is? so I didn't playthrough it but its on the wiki for it and I looked at it and read though it and well..... I actually don't hate it but I don't love it either.

So to even get the option to do it you need to have gotten her cured of her addiction first so shes not on the pleasure patches, (ok that's fine I like doing that quest anyway, let her be her true self) and you have to be an Amazon yourself, so when you do it frees up more options for Jobs and since she as a military background and not addicted anymore you can have her be Security for your ship and or taking jobs when docked at other places and or planets.
Reaha is unwilling to go into debt again but she said she'll do it but you would have to pay for it.
So boom go forth on it.

2 things I have a problem with
1. I don't have a problem with her becoming an amazon, hell she was pretty built in her old photo before she got her cow mods, and she isn't 100 opposed to the idea of getting jacked again
2. BUT she as stayed she doesn't like being built like that she LIKES being a soft and beg/jiggle cow she prefers this and well only this

So I figured you have to get her the amaziona drink or something like that for her to change like how you could give her other mods after you cure her like Junk in the trunk, milk gushes or more Cow girl Drug, but that's not the case at all.
after talking to her you have to go see Doctor Lessau on the snow planet (The one were your cousin is if you started of HUM Leithan?) and talk about putting her on the clinical trail there, BUT for him to talk about it you have to have Ramis/Azra or Syri (HellHound) Recruited.
And the quest needs to you to have fought the Milodan bruiser and go retrieve a fluid sample from them OR from the Accident Site i guess? and note the normal NORMAL Amazon doesn't count it as to be the Brusier.
So after getting it and Reaha going though with it. It makes SENSE that she becomes a futa because of were the sample comes from but......

I just don't know it just feels kidna off from what her characters was leading to? Like why do we have to go to Uveto? and get the TF from there? and thats not to mention the fucked up situation thats there and the now appearing amazons, Like I get there still kinda primal but I feel bad that they got exposed to the taint and now were just kinda taking advantage of it, it's a cool story/side story point but I wish we could help them or at least get them back to a more of normal for them.
Sorry side tangent back to cow

Like couldn't we have just gotten her The amaziona? then we could of had a muscle mommy then and still kept her cow? HELP you could of just had the option to also go with the futazon to if you so chose and everyone could be happy.
We could stick to what she was asking and stick to her being cow and IDK maybe like making her more cow like? we can make her assets bigger (EVEN THOUGUH THERES NOT BUST FOR THAT AND YES THAT STILL UPSEST ME LIKE WITH AMBER) OR HELL we can give her like 6? cow girl drinks, why not make her more and more like a cow morph I guess? HELL you can possible get an udder from the drink why not give her one of those or let us do a multiple boob thing with her for more Milk potential for her job?

Like it makes a decent amount of sense for her to have the option of becoming an Amazon but it seems she's just doing be the PLAYER wants it and not that she wants it, and just completely ignoring what she said she wants, like she HAS TO BE CURED for the the first step and by that point it very likely that she as paid of her debt so she's free and doesn't nesserialy mean that SHE HAS TO DO WHAT YOU SAY. It just feels like they set up a different TF then went into the complete opposite direction.
It honestly just feels like they decided to add a Futa TF for the sake of having a Futa TF, even when they already having like 6 futa TF's in a game filled with Futa's.
Ok rant over
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Sep 12, 2017
(Sorry In Advance if this is a bit of a long one) So I've been playing TITS again recently and to spice things up, I am doing a male run and not not getting a dick in me, and other then restarting or undoing a save SEVERAL time cause I forget some peeps are Futa even though they don't have a bulge at all, and my dick to big so I have to receive but thats beside the point.
I got Reaha again and I forgot how much I enjoyed her Character and how much I feel sorry for her after talking to and getting to now her, and I thought I wonder how her Futa TF is? so I didn't playthrough it but its on the wiki for it and I looked at it and read though it and well..... I actually don't hate it but I don't love it either.

So to even get the option to do it you need to have gotten her cured of her addiction first so shes not on the pleasure patches, (ok that's fine I like doing that quest anyway, let her be her true self) and you have to be an Amazon yourself, so when you do it frees up more options for Jobs and since she as a military background and not addicted anymore you can have her be Security for your ship and or taking jobs when docked at other places and or planets.
Reaha is unwilling to go into debt again but she said she'll do it but you would have to pay for it.
So boom go forth on it.

2 things I have a problem with
1. I don't have a problem with her becoming an amazon, hell she was pretty built in her old photo before she got her cow mods, and she isn't 100 opposed to the idea of getting jacked again
2. BUT she as stayed she doesn't like being built like that she LIKES being a soft and beg/jiggle cow she prefers this and well only this

So I figured you have to get her the amaziona drink or something like that for her to change like how you could give her other mods after you cure her like Junk in the trunk, milk gushes or more Cow girl Drug, but that's not the case at all.
after talking to her you have to go see Doctor Lessau on the snow planet (The one were your cousin is if you started of HUM Leithan?) and talk about putting her on the clinical trail there, BUT for him to talk about it you have to have Ramis/Azra or Syri (HellHound) Recruited.
And the quest needs to you to have fought the Milodan bruiser and go retrieve a fluid sample from them OR from the Accident Site i guess? and note the normal NORMAL Amazon doesn't count it as to be the Brusier.
So after getting it and Reaha going though with it. It makes SENSE that she becomes a futa because of were the sample comes from but......

I just don't know it just feels kidna off from what her characters was leading to? Like why do we have to go to Uveto? and get the TF from there? and thats not to mention the fucked up situation thats there and the now appearing amazons, Like I get there still kinda primal but I feel bad that they got exposed to the taint and now were just kinda taking advantage of it, it's a cool story/side story point but I wish we could help them or at least get them back to a more of normal for them.
Sorry side tangent back to cow

Like couldn't we have just gotten her The amaziona? then we could of had a muscle mommy then and still kept her cow? HELP you could of just had the option to also go with the futazon to if you so chose and everyone could be happy.
We could stick to what she was asking and stick to her being cow and IDK maybe like making her more cow like? we can make her assets bigger (EVEN THOUGUH THERES NOT BUST FOR THAT AND YES THAT STILL UPSEST ME LIKE WITH AMBER) OR HELL we can give her like 6? cow girl drinks, why not make her more and more like a cow morph I guess? HELL you can possible get an udder from the drink why not give her one of those or let us do a multiple boob thing with her for more Milk potential for her job?

Like it makes a decent amount of sense for her to have the option of becoming an Amazon but it seems she's just doing be the PLAYER wants it and not that she wants it, and just completely ignoring what she said she wants, like she HAS TO BE CURED for the the first step and by that point it very likely that she as paid of her debt so she's free and doesn't nesserialy mean that SHE HAS TO DO WHAT YOU SAY. It just feels like they set up a different TF then went into the complete opposite direction.
It honestly just feels like they decided to add a Futa TF for the sake of having a Futa TF, even when they already having like 6 futa TF's in a game filled with Futa's.
Ok rant over
I think you are in love with reaha


Sep 5, 2020
I await patch patiently

0.9.118 Changelog:
  • [Backers] Custom Hardlight Weapon Crafting! Visit Qailla in Gabtown on Dhaal to make a hardlight weapon to your own specifications. You’ll need three different gems for the process – one for damage type, one for a bonus stat attribute, and one for any special status proc abilities. Of course, Kineticists will benefit from the most from this, as the weapons have psychic affinities and a higher stat budget for the lucky space wizards! (Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Jumper Interceptors – William’s final TiTS project is a space battle with everyone’s favorite Zheng Shi gang: the Jumpers! Best found around Uveto, Zheng Shi, and Dhaal, these fearsome bunnies can pack a lot of heat! (Coded by Gedan)
  • [Backers] Tainted Divrani Cultist – This hostile Phaedra mob is the first to be coded for Phaedra’s second explorable zone! Since that zone isn’t laid out yet, you can press a button at Shieldrock Station (that’s the station AFTER the dungeon) to automatically encounter one for testing. (Written by Fr0sty, Coded by Leek)
  • [Public] is active for everyone~!
  • New Bust: Tainted Divrani Cultist (Adjatha), Jumper Interceptor (Adjatha)
  • New Art: Emmy Panties CG ( )
  • Increased zaika pregnancy odds. Those purple space-elves got a little bit more fertile… (DrunkZombie)
  • Lots of bugs fixed and new bugs created.
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Reactions: HikkiG and JOSHUAs9


May 23, 2019
I await patch patiently

0.9.118 Changelog:
  • [Backers] Custom Hardlight Weapon Crafting! Visit Qailla in Gabtown on Dhaal to make a hardlight weapon to your own specifications. You’ll need three different gems for the process – one for damage type, one for a bonus stat attribute, and one for any special status proc abilities. Of course, Kineticists will benefit from the most from this, as the weapons have psychic affinities and a higher stat budget for the lucky space wizards! (Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] Jumper Interceptors – William’s final TiTS project is a space battle with everyone’s favorite Zheng Shi gang: the Jumpers! Best found around Uveto, Zheng Shi, and Dhaal, these fearsome bunnies can pack a lot of heat! (Coded by Gedan)
  • [Backers] Tainted Divrani Cultist – This hostile Phaedra mob is the first to be coded for Phaedra’s second explorable zone! Since that zone isn’t laid out yet, you can press a button at Shieldrock Station (that’s the station AFTER the dungeon) to automatically encounter one for testing. (Written by Fr0sty, Coded by Leek)
  • [Public] is active for everyone~!
  • New Bust: Tainted Divrani Cultist (Adjatha), Jumper Interceptor (Adjatha)
  • New Art: Emmy Panties CG ( )
  • Increased zaika pregnancy odds. Those purple space-elves got a little bit more fertile… (DrunkZombie)
  • Lots of bugs fixed and new bugs created.
The man is probably sleeping. Let him.
Aug 31, 2020
man these hedges need snipped
It'll pain you to know that, at least to my possibly wrong and very archaic knowledge, this Amazon Reaha update was originally part of the treatment route you were going to be able to put Reaha on.

This, again, to my very old, possibly wrong knowledge, was never completed and then subsequently retconned into the abyss early on as they made the treatment a significantly less dark (???) item than was originally designed.

It left Reaha in limbo for an obscenely long time and then made it so that to see the new Reaha content you had to go and complete an arduous list of things to then do a rather dismal quest for what I personally view as a rather disappointing reward.

Grain of salt because this was a long time ago, but it sounds right in my head as to what happened. If anyone else remembers such events differently, then feel free to correct as such.
4.10 star(s) 73 Votes