KEN SHREVES on the LEFT with CLIFF JOHNSON posed for Bob Mizer circa 1967. They made a 1967 AMG b&w short film called "Johnson vs. Shreves". Bob Mizer described "CLIFF JOHNSON 23 5'8 165 lbs, born in Denver Colorado has done ranching all his life.... Did a wrestling film with Ken Shreves to be announced later."
KEN SHREVES on the LEFT with CLIFF JOHNSON posed for Bob Mizer circa 1967. They made a 1967 AMG b&w short film called "Johnson vs. Shreves". Bob Mizer described "CLIFF JOHNSON 23 5'8 165 lbs, born in Denver Colorado has done ranching all his life.... Did a wrestling film with Ken Shreves to be announced later."
JIM ALVEY on the LEFT shares a COKE with KEN SHREVES in the Nude for Bob Mizer at AMG in 1968. Both Men wanted to perform in the Nude and make "Shreves vs. Alvey" a short Wrestling Film that was highly rated and a favorite of Bob Mizer.
JIM ALVEY on the LEFT gets a Naked Sunbath with KEN SHREVES for Bob Mizer at AMG in 1968. Both Men wanted to perform in the Nude and make "Shreves vs. Alvey" a short Wrestling Film that was highly rated and a favorite of Bob Mizer.
KEN SHREVES on the LEFT stands Nude with JIM ALVEY for Bob Mizer at AMG in 1968. Both Men wanted to perform in the Nude and make "Shreves vs. Alvey" a short b&w Wrestling Film that was highly rated and a favorite of Bob Mizer. KEN SHREVES was 5 Feet 10 inches and JIM ALVEY was 6 Feet 2 Inches tall.
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