That was a great final episode, to an awful series.
Also WTF Sue went from having brown skin with white hair, to becoming a ginger after the time skip?
Guinevere died possibly bc of an underlying disease(most likely radiation poisoning or cancer), Dan and Sue's kid has nothing to do with her, it was only given her name as an gesture.
1- General Lawrence(bearded redhead guy) is a ghost with psychic powers or what, he shows up in locked rooms and disappears without anyone noticing him, also what was even his plan? he didn't actually do anything, at first it looks like he's a bad guy trying to get the schematics for the SARGS and later wanting to burn evidence by killing Soma with the TOD(black upgraded SARG copy), but then we're told that he has nothing to do with them(Seele stand in organization) and is actually trying to get in contact to Yuri or something, it was never clear, only thing he did was maybe put the dummy bomb on Frank, but that's it, also no one even tried finding out how that happened, they briefly mentioned it in the briefing/hearing with the politics, but it was forgotten after that, how he can implant to two spies in a heavily secured military facility without any problems(Soma doesn't even look that different from when Ines first met him, aside of a few scars and white, both only on his left side), we also never see him with anyone, as if he's doing everything alone, which makes it even more unbelievable, he might as well have been a supernatural character, or maybe the security on Funeral is just that bad, there is even an extra spy in there as well from the other generic "military" arm, all 3 main SARG pilots were spies, that's funny, Sue doesn't count bc she only flies the SARG once and it gets destroyed, she's just a glorified chauffer and becomes the head of Funeral after the time skip somehow.
2- Yuri left how many years ago? i remember seeing a couple of times mentioned, it being decades, but the way his house is and how old Lawrence looks, i can't see it being more than 1 decade, and his wife died in the (i think)initial Alien arrival, the show makes it look like the Aliens are something of a common knowledge, even with distinct nomenclatures for several special types, meaning it's been going on for years, long enough for a military branch to have been built to fight it, setting up satellites to intercept aliens arriving and don't even star me on them being able to get Alien bodies and turn them into controllable vessels for humans to pilot, even though no one seems to know how Aliens actually work(as we can see from the bumbling scientists trying to wake Frank up, it seems he just needed energy in the form of electricity), that Funeral building alone could have taken years, if not a decade to build, this is not even taking into account that this place Yuri went to, is over 6 light years away, which means the aliens could only start appearing 6 years after he left earth, not counting the time Yuri spend in that zone and turning into/creating those things(the aliens seem to travel faster than the speed of light as seen in how the huge alien at the end would only take 100 hours to get to earth and i doubt something that big coming to earth would scape the moon telescope for so long), i was imagining something like 30 years, minimum, since he left then 20 years since the first alien arrival.
3- How the F*** was the University Professor able to get access to Frank's body and experiment on it, also there was only him and Maki working with it, it's insane, who was funding his "research" and getting him what he needed like Alien body parts and Frank's body, also how long was he working on it, we see Frank being shot down, but we don't know how long it took from his arrival to his revival, and he needs "Soma" to help wake him up for some reason, we're led to believe it's bc of his own research, but he's there for just a couple of hours, did he actually do anything and why the F*** is the name Soma even important, i legit thought that material was going to be the thing that Frank was built with or at least what made possible to use an alien's body for their own goal.
4- I feel like they could've cut half of the initial 12 episodes that do nothing and actually had us in the University for the initial 4 episodes or so before Frank's revival, that way it would make things more believable and made sure we actually cared for Maki and Takuto(remembered his real name), that way we could also understand the world we're in before blowing everything up.
5- not a single good character in the whole show, why was the captain even there, he does absolutely nothing, Dan could've been the captain and we could cut him being a spy(for some f*** reason, why was he a spy wtf), none of the characters had much development and what was there added basically nothing to them, they're all so boring, with their generic one note personalities, they don't even archetypes bc of how nothing they are, Sue is supposed to be the best pilot but she never does anything impressive, by the end of the series they start saying that Guinevere is the best shooter but we never see her shooting any different from the others, i kept waiting for the Captain and Dan's past battalion to pay off somehow, bc of the bullet casings they both find, but nothing, that was absolutely nothing, it was just there to pretend there was something more to the show, than what was on the surface. |