What's NEW at Primark? Florida Mall Orlando Florida! The largest selection of DISNEY merchandise!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • located at the florida mall in orlando florida, i was happy to see so many new things available within the disney merchandise line! they had knew one of the pooh, merchantites, and even some Remy from ratatouille!! along with classic characters such as stitch ,minnie mouse and mickey mouse

Комментарии • 71

  • @kathycunningham6677
    @kathycunningham6677 3 дня назад +1

    Oh wow so much great merchandise.
    Thanks for showing us all the fun items. 😊😊😊

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      I know, right?! There is so much cute stuff!

  • @rosiefrimpong5061
    @rosiefrimpong5061 День назад

    Love this video the AK ears were my favorite thanks for sharing.

  • @KMac0164
    @KMac0164 4 дня назад +2

    Thank you Liz! Yes do a “live” from here please. They have lots of cute stuff… love the Lady and Tramp pj set and Kuromi slippers! 😮😮😮😮❤️🙏🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

  • @clairehoskin7632
    @clairehoskin7632 4 дня назад +2

    This is making me wanna go to Primark in Florida now 😂

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @@clairehoskin7632 hahaha book a flight!!

  • @Princey.723
    @Princey.723 4 дня назад +1

    Definitely do a primark live. So many cute things.😊

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад +1

      @@Princey.723 thank you!! I will need to schedule one!!!

  • @nancyplymale3726
    @nancyplymale3726 3 дня назад

    I'm impressed with all the cute items Primark has!!!

  • @kimberlylamitie2869
    @kimberlylamitie2869 День назад

    OMG. Dangerous video 😮😮. So much stuff and half the price of the parks. Love it all.

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      It's definitely dangerous for my wallet!

  • @mistywood88
    @mistywood88 2 дня назад

    Thank you for video. Yes live primark please!

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      You got it! I need to schedule one ASAP!

  • @kevins5259
    @kevins5259 4 дня назад

    OMG the Ratatouille onesie is crazy cute!

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      i am wondering what other Remy merch that I missed out on!!!

  • @cathifowler2567
    @cathifowler2567 3 дня назад

    They have some cute things! Those crossbody bags especially.

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      right!!! i am curious on the remy stuff that appears sold out for the time being

  • @ladonnaburk4020
    @ladonnaburk4020 4 дня назад

    Love the castle ladies tee! And sent the video to my daughter because of the Ratatouille onesie.

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      I just know they must have had other Remy merch!! I wonder if they will restock soon!

  • @michellemcleod7255
    @michellemcleod7255 3 дня назад

    Thank for showing the video they all way have good stuff I was there last year October . We got some thing there too his was very crazy that day people was shopping crazy.

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      it def has died down a bit since they first opened and think the weekends now are the busiest

  • @jeniflores7580
    @jeniflores7580 4 дня назад

    Yesss! Primark live shop. I already have a list just from the video.

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @@jeniflores7580 omgggg i will have to do a live

  • @adventureswithashley3
    @adventureswithashley3 4 дня назад

    Omg the PJ sets!!!!!

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @@adventureswithashley3 I KNOWW RIGHT!!!

  • @tinkstoys
    @tinkstoys 4 дня назад +1

    Yes do a live on a weekend day!!

  • @kristiwilcox
    @kristiwilcox 4 дня назад

    love the glasses Liz!

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @@kristiwilcox thank you!!! I got them at Primark

  • @kevins5259
    @kevins5259 4 дня назад

    Loving the Toy Story merch!

  • @konfidentlykeiko1997
    @konfidentlykeiko1997 4 дня назад

    Omg the gabby cat & Bluey mercy my Navi would lose her mind😳😩…you have to take us when we visit❤️❤️❤️

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      i am SHOCKED that California doesn't have this store yet. all the prices are sooo good!

  • @dianeboisvert88
    @dianeboisvert88 4 дня назад +1

    Oh yes I need new pj’s for spring

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @@dianeboisvert88 I loved ALL the options!!

  • @Daisy-cj3og
    @Daisy-cj3og 3 дня назад

    ❤ share the joy!

  • @katesommerville7217
    @katesommerville7217 3 дня назад

    Ive probably said this before but with your channel I hit the like button before the video starts 😅. Especially the merch videos. Had to take a break from the latest live & then I remembered there were some leggings I wanted 😢. Your Australian word of the day is Thongs, you call flip flops 😅. They were cute, I agree ❤

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад +1

      You’re the best, thank you! The leggings are a must-have for sure 😉!hahaha thongs in the united states def stand for something different hahahah

  • @kevins5259
    @kevins5259 4 дня назад

    We got the green monorail at the end! Love it so much!

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      ahhah Jaden took that one night while we were driving!

  • @annapapadopoulos4569
    @annapapadopoulos4569 4 дня назад

    Yes do a live ! Like I need a hole in my head 😂😳

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @@annapapadopoulos4569 🤣🤣🤣you will love it

  • @Emari0002
    @Emari0002 3 дня назад

    🙌 yes 👍

  • @bellaohanaadventures2352
    @bellaohanaadventures2352 3 дня назад

    Yassss please🎉

  • @AmDub275
    @AmDub275 4 дня назад

    Cute stuff

  • @renewed758
    @renewed758 3 дня назад

    So much merch! So little time!!

  • @bethrosenthal5127
    @bethrosenthal5127 4 дня назад

    My mom is currently at her vacay house in Tarpon Springs....just sent her your video 😂

  • @michellesmith5490
    @michellesmith5490 4 дня назад


    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @@michellesmith5490 i do need to do a live!!

  • @tinkstoys
    @tinkstoys 4 дня назад

    I want one of those pooh crossbody's

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @tinkstoys all the Pooh items were soo nice!! I like the fact of the colors for neutral so it could go with so many outfits

  • @angelacatellani5731
    @angelacatellani5731 4 дня назад

    All so beautiful!!!❤️😍✨️ unfortunately Primark in Italy it's just in very big cities , I hope they will open more stores in the future 🥰

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад +1

      @angelacatellani5731 oh my goodness!! Do you live in Italy!!! Can we trade places if so😅🤣

    • @angelacatellani5731
      @angelacatellani5731 3 дня назад

      @@LifeWithLiz3 yes I'm italian 😹☺️💖💞

  • @elizabethraley3992
    @elizabethraley3992 3 дня назад

    Yes Liz i need the Mickey crossbody size is like a lug bag 12.00? My question is what size do they go up to for womens pjs or sweats ? Seems like last time they dont have past xl.???

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад +1

      largest size is 2x and there clothing does run on the larger size. the crossbody size is similar to the lug(the lug might be like an inch or so larger.

  • @rachelcolven8531
    @rachelcolven8531 4 дня назад

    Hey Liz do they go to a 3x we only seem to get one x in Uk

  • @FitinFlorida1976
    @FitinFlorida1976 2 дня назад

    Does Primark carry 3x? Or 2x?

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  День назад

      They do carry size 2x . To me their clothing does run on the larger size! I also feel like the larger sizes sell out FAST! I think whoever does the ordering needs to readjust because it seems they always get stuck with many smaller sizes!!

  • @carolpaterson5
    @carolpaterson5 4 дня назад

    I'm not sure if you know this, but you can be a very expensive person to know🤣

    • @LifeWithLiz3
      @LifeWithLiz3  4 дня назад

      @@carolpaterson5 WHATTTTT noooo !!🤣🤣🤣🤣