Road Rage

Should Road Rage be legal

  • Yes: they hand out licenses to any idiot without regulating them.

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Yes: within reason

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • No: It's violent and against the law

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • No: I am one of the ones that causes road rage

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Neither: I get my ass drove around in a limo or by "my people"

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters
Ahhhh.... gotcha.... but I don't get out of cars or anything like that. I just yell at the idiot that doesn't know how to drive. Yes I know it doesn't work, but it does let out some aggression.
Seriously, calm the fuck down. Take note, some day, of the difference it makes in your commute time if you overtake all the slow pokes, jerks, and bad drivers. It will make roughly two minutes difference. Just sit back, let the idiots be idiots, and allow yourself to feel superior because you're a better driver. Honestly, if you're going to stress about shit like this, you're going to have an early heart attack. You can't control other people's driving. Let them do their thing.
Seriously, calm the fuck down. Take note, some day, of the difference it makes in your commute time if you overtake all the slow pokes, jerks, and bad drivers. It will make roughly two minutes difference. Just sit back, let the idiots be idiots, and allow yourself to feel superior because you're a better driver. Honestly, if you're going to stress about shit like this, you're going to have an early heart attack. You can't control other people's driving. Let them do their thing.

So what do you do if they smash right into your driver's side door and paralyze you for the rest of your life?
So what do you do if they smash right into your driver's side door and paralyze you for the rest of your life?

I guess I spend quite a bit of time laying down.

Do you think you're extending your life by encouraging your rage? I ride a motorcycle almost all the time. Want to cure your road rage? Ride a motorcycle. Your rage becomes entirely inconsequential. It doesn't matter whatsoever how badly other people drive. I am the one who is completely unprotected. I'll do what I can to keep myself safe.

Now, that said, I certainly wish people were more careful. No question on that. I also have absolutely no tolerance for people on phones while driving. Those people are putting my life in jeopardy because they have to talk to someone about their trip to the supermarket. Does that give me the right to go postal on them? No. They're not breaking the law. It makes me drive slower, more cautiously, and I assume everyone is an idiot.

I've never had or been involved in an accident. I've never had a speeding ticket. I always feel safe when I drive. I'll concentrate on what I do while driving, as it will help me to avoid the idiots almost always.
I guess I spend quite a bit of time laying down.

Do you think you're extending your life by encouraging your rage? I ride a motorcycle almost all the time. Want to cure your road rage? Ride a motorcycle. Your rage becomes entirely inconsequential. It doesn't matter whatsoever how badly other people drive. I am the one who is completely unprotected. I'll do what I can to keep myself safe.

Now, that said, I certainly wish people were more careful. No question on that. I also have absolutely no tolerance for people on phones while driving. Those people are putting my life in jeopardy because they have to talk to someone about their trip to the supermarket. Does that give me the right to go postal on them? No. They're not breaking the law. It makes me drive slower, more cautiously, and I assume everyone is an idiot.

I've never had or been involved in an accident. I've never had a speeding ticket. I always feel safe when I drive. I'll concentrate on what I do while driving, as it will help me to avoid the idiots almost always.

Do you ever agree with anyone dirk?
When someone is on the cell phone and runs you into the shoulder, then you should be allowed to throw a finger in the air and maybe should a few choice words.
The police offer had to explain how it is okay for the woman to put others life's in jeopardy with her 6,000lb car, but not for someone to express them self. :rules:


knows petras secret: she farted.
fucking phones.

on my way home today, i saw several people texting and shit. drives me crazy!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Fuck. Don't even get me started because this whole gawd damned country is full of drivers who got their licenses out of cracker jack boxes (Fuck me, they don't even know what cracker jacks are and still get the prize inside!). WOMEN are THE WORST BLOODY DAMNED drivers in this country ever. Not just with cars, but ANYTHING with wheels. Suddenly they can't make a decision if they have wheels. Honestly, for the price it costs to get your license (I already had one in the states, so it only cost me around 2,000 euro....a new driver who has to take 21 lessons or so will be paying a shit load more) you'd think it would produce better drivers? Nope.

It's funny. Whenever I go to Germany and get on the autobon, even if I'm on the right hand side I get people that race up, almost touch my bumper, gesture, get pissed, THROW it into the left hand lane and zoom on. As they pass, I see their license plate and it's dutch. They don't bother to look 10 meters beyond their windshield and either can't or won't process the car ahead is going slower so I need to get into the left hand lane NOW. Nope, they have to get shoved so far up your tail pipe you wonder if they'll be able to pull yourself out to pass.

On my daily commute there's always a traffic jam. Just the fact of life with so many cars and not enough road space. However, you'd think that at a certain point people would realize they're in a traffic jam and they'd give the person in front of them a little room. Nope. They've got to shove themselves up the tailpipe then while we're in the left hand side, rear end the person in front of them so the rest of us who can now NOT get into the right hand lane because those 5-6 cars behind me see there's been an accident and start jumping into the right hand lane making it impossible for those stuck directly behind the two morons in front of me to get out.

I also love how we're all moving 10km an hour and the person behind me has to shove themselves up my tailpipe even though there's no way I can go any faster.

And then there's the rain factor. This country has sun maybe 2 weeks a year. The rest of it is rain. However, when it rains they all act like they've suddenly never seen it before and we've got insta wrecks and traffic jams. It always amazes me. Oh, and don't even talk about snow. I'd have to say 75% or more of this country don't bother putting winter tires on their car (may not always have snow, but it's cold and winter tires are better in that condition than summer) because it "never" snows here. However, when it does snow, special snowflakes (that not only disrupt train service) somehow convince them that they need to go out and drive on their summer tires in the snow.

Ok, I'm done. Time for me to go sit in a traffic jam so I can get to work.
Fuck. Don't even get me started because this whole gawd damned country is full of drivers who got their licenses out of cracker jack boxes (Fuck me, they don't even know what cracker jacks are and still get the prize inside!). WOMEN are THE WORST BLOODY DAMNED drivers in this country ever. Not just with cars, but ANYTHING with wheels. Suddenly they can't make a decision if they have wheels. Honestly, for the price it costs to get your license (I already had one in the states, so it only cost me around 2,000 euro....a new driver who has to take 21 lessons or so will be paying a shit load more) you'd think it would produce better drivers? Nope.

It's funny. Whenever I go to Germany and get on the autobon, even if I'm on the right hand side I get people that race up, almost touch my bumper, gesture, get pissed, THROW it into the left hand lane and zoom on. As they pass, I see their license plate and it's dutch. They don't bother to look 10 meters beyond their windshield and either can't or won't process the car ahead is going slower so I need to get into the left hand lane NOW. Nope, they have to get shoved so far up your tail pipe you wonder if they'll be able to pull yourself out to pass.

On my daily commute there's always a traffic jam. Just the fact of life with so many cars and not enough road space. However, you'd think that at a certain point people would realize they're in a traffic jam and they'd give the person in front of them a little room. Nope. They've got to shove themselves up the tailpipe then while we're in the left hand side, rear end the person in front of them so the rest of us who can now NOT get into the right hand lane because those 5-6 cars behind me see there's been an accident and start jumping into the right hand lane making it impossible for those stuck directly behind the two morons in front of me to get out.

I also love how we're all moving 10km an hour and the person behind me has to shove themselves up my tailpipe even though there's no way I can go any faster.

And then there's the rain factor. This country has sun maybe 2 weeks a year. The rest of it is rain. However, when it rains they all act like they've suddenly never seen it before and we've got insta wrecks and traffic jams. It always amazes me. Oh, and don't even talk about snow. I'd have to say 75% or more of this country don't bother putting winter tires on their car (may not always have snow, but it's cold and winter tires are better in that condition than summer) because it "never" snows here. However, when it does snow, special snowflakes (that not only disrupt train service) somehow convince them that they need to go out and drive on their summer tires in the snow.

Ok, I'm done. Time for me to go sit in a traffic jam so I can get to work.

ummmm.... (hides behind couch....) wasn't there a thread about you trying to be nicer? (HELP!) But even though I only dream of being on the autobahn.... here in Michigan we have I696 and I75 at some points.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
ummmm.... (hides behind couch....) wasn't there a thread about you trying to be nicer? (HELP!) But even though I only dream of being on the autobahn.... here in Michigan we have I696 and I75 at some points.

Honestly, unless you have a car (and the money to buy more gas) to do the autobahn worthy, it's not all that special. They've started putting speed limits on some parts, some parts have never ending construction (thus a speedlimit), and most of it goes down to 120km/h after dark. My little Chevrolet Spark, which runs on LPG and felt like it was going to shake itself apart at 151km, does not do it justice at all. In fact, with people screaming by you in bigger, heavier cars, it makes you not want to go much faster than 120.

Earlier in the year I was taking my turn driving back from the Bavarian part of Germany and something passed us. We heard it, but never saw it. LOL I'm sure that driver was frustrated though because it was in an area that had more speed limits than not with the hills.
^well, it's good to know that ignorant and obnoxious drivers aren't just a US phenomenon...
Honestly, unless you have a car (and the money to buy more gas) to do the autobahn worthy, it's not all that special. They've started putting speed limits on some parts, some parts have never ending construction (thus a speedlimit), and most of it goes down to 120km/h after dark. My little Chevrolet Spark, which runs on LPG and felt like it was going to shake itself apart at 151km, does not do it justice at all. In fact, with people screaming by you in bigger, heavier cars, it makes you not want to go much faster than 120.

Earlier in the year I was taking my turn driving back from the Bavarian part of Germany and something passed us. We heard it, but never saw it. LOL I'm sure that driver was frustrated though because it was in an area that had more speed limits than not with the hills.

So when I win the lotto and get a Ferarri California, I'll take it over there and honk and wave at every Chevy Spark while I'm passing it going 150+MPH

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
So when I win the lotto and get a Ferarri California, I'll take it over there and honk and wave at every Chevy Spark while I'm passing it going 150+MPH

Only 150?! Come on, man... mash the gas and live a little! :nanner:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Study: Women More Prone To Road Rage, 30% Text & Drive To Work

Women are more prone to road rage than men. Of those surveyed, 61% of women said that they had experienced road rage, compared to 56% of men.

Younger drivers are more prone to road rage than older ones. Roughly 68% of respondents between 25 and 34 years old said they experienced road rage, while just 47% of those 55 and older said the same.

It's too darn hot (for road rage): 17% of those surveyed said they experienced less road rage during the summer months, while 10% said they experienced more.

Roughly 9% of commuters have actually gotten into a fight with another commuter.

Almost one in four commuters -- 24% to be precise -- has been involved in an accident en route to work. We'd expect that figure to be a little higher because...

Fully 30% of commuters have sent text messages while driving to and from work.
take a gun with you, at least when you are threatened you can strike back. Also get an older car with body steel panels and steel bumpers, you will have much more chances to be in one piece in case of roadrage or accident.
take a gun with you, at least when you are threatened you can strike back. Also get an older car with body steel panels and steel bumpers, you will have much more chances to be in one piece in case of roadrage or accident.

It's called a Delorian


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
So when I win the lotto and get a Ferarri California, I'll take it over there and honk and wave at every Chevy Spark while I'm passing it going 150+MPH

Yea, yea laugh it up.

But seriously, I'm OK with only going 120. At least at the end of the day I'm only paying about 12 euro to fill my tank compared with the idiots who have to race to their destination. ;-)


Torn & Frayed.
take a gun with you, at least when you are threatened you can strike back. Also get an older car with body steel panels and steel bumpers, you will have much more chances to be in one piece in case of roadrage or accident.

If I get pulled over with a loaded gun in my car; the beatdown I'll get from the police is worse than almost any road-rage.