Minecraft Manhunt, But Bricks Drop OP Loot...

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Minecraft Manhunt, But Bricks Drop OP Loot... (Manhunt Challenge)
    / blueberryshake
    / sharkcraft
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    #MinecraftManhunt #MinecraftBut
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Комментарии • 2,9 тыс.

  • @Woodenaxe0
    @Woodenaxe0 4 года назад +4109

    Dev: I'm working with a brick
    Boosfer: *intense stress*

  • @erikanderson6435
    @erikanderson6435 4 года назад +2523

    Boosfer: it’s in the river
    Dev: clay block
    Kier: fish block

  • @figblobs2568
    @figblobs2568 4 года назад +174

    That “yes daddy” line is so terrifying, im having chills oh god

  • @tarikhajromobile5456
    @tarikhajromobile5456 3 года назад +329

    Boosfer while breaking bricks:
    “Oh my God”
    “Oh MY God”
    “oh my god”
    “OH MY GOD 😩”
    Ok, Boosfer is officially my favourite of all of these, specifically because of his reactions

    • @BirtzilParpa
      @BirtzilParpa 9 месяцев назад +4

      Bro started moaning like he was in bed

    • @kauiz951
      @kauiz951 7 месяцев назад +2

      He already has girly laugh pretty cringe if U ask me

    • @williamfielding9423
      @williamfielding9423 4 месяца назад +1

      @@kauiz951nahhhh it’s funny

  • @astralsoul3216
    @astralsoul3216 3 года назад +280

    That launch from the axe that sent Kier flying to his death after the cave was fucking GOLDEN! xD

  • @YelloWool
    @YelloWool 4 года назад +2743

    The first 5 minutes is just pure perfection.

    • @nathan3225
      @nathan3225 4 года назад +30

      When yello not in video

    • @ranbo0
      @ranbo0 4 года назад +9

      10 likes on yello comment?!? Anyway how r you yello :)

    • @nightnark3037
      @nightnark3037 3 года назад +3

      could you link your texture pack

    • @bean3r_b0y
      @bean3r_b0y 3 года назад +6

      69 likes, nice

    • @Coolmathgames-y2o
      @Coolmathgames-y2o 3 года назад +5

      @@ranbo0 hes not verified

  • @jackperez2753
    @jackperez2753 4 года назад +599

    boosfer: reality can be whatever i want..

  • @edoardo515
    @edoardo515 4 года назад +661

    Watching these videos is a whole bunch of volume 📉📈📉📈📉📈📉📈

  • @boots7984
    @boots7984 3 года назад +54

    Booster: menacingly devouring carrots
    Dev: I’ll eat u out

  • @Cheerwine091
    @Cheerwine091 3 года назад +159

    Fun Fact: Due to how minecraft does damage calculations, that netherite chesplate already gives him the half the maximum amount of defense from enchantments possible.

    • @mystyk_g
      @mystyk_g 7 месяцев назад +1

      its prot 1 unb 9

  • @getdemani-tized6723
    @getdemani-tized6723 4 года назад +595

    My brother won’t stop moaning “oH mY gOsH” tysm for making me suffer

  • @skier-el7cw
    @skier-el7cw 4 года назад +940

    "dev why do you keep dying"
    "because he keeps killing me"
    ah yes. and this floor here is made of floor.

    • @yurei2114
      @yurei2114 3 года назад +42

      "people die when you kill them"

    • @chelsheet
      @chelsheet 3 года назад +16

      Dies of death

    • @SLVMSTR
      @SLVMSTR 3 года назад +2

      @@chelsheet Lol

    • @Luxa3665
      @Luxa3665 3 года назад +6

      friends are like snow flakes if you pee on them they go away

    • @JakerCaker123
      @JakerCaker123 3 года назад +1

      @@Luxa3665 no it’s when you lick them

  • @maxwellginsburg7996
    @maxwellginsburg7996 3 года назад +222

    Did anyone just laugh out loud when keir said "You smelt a fish and then you create a fish block..."

  • @huntercool2232
    @huntercool2232 3 года назад +26

    Boosfer: **Uses a sword with the knockback enchantment**

  • @JustARandomGoose
    @JustARandomGoose 3 года назад +15

    me - watching this video in the middle of the night
    boosfer - yelling
    me - turns down volume and then turns it back up thinking he's done
    boosfer - screams at the top of his lungs again

  • @AnhKhoaa-vw2lt
    @AnhKhoaa-vw2lt 3 года назад +1704

    My parents: come in my room
    Boostfer: YES DADDY

    • @pokeboysyt940
      @pokeboysyt940 3 года назад +32

      Dea Boi... same.

    • @gamernugget5513
      @gamernugget5513 3 года назад +64

      Omg it just happened rn 🙂 I'ma be grounded for 8 years 😬

    • @purpql
      @purpql 3 года назад +13

      @@gamernugget5513 rip

    • @ChilliWaka
      @ChilliWaka 3 года назад +9


    • @winnieway27
      @winnieway27 3 года назад +13

      BRO SAME

  • @Alt0F4
    @Alt0F4 4 года назад +343

    Boosfer: *plays Manhunt*
    Minecraft: “I shall grant you a village and a ruined portal”

  • @haydizzle1237
    @haydizzle1237 4 года назад +210

    Boosfer when I’m watching: 6:00
    Boosfer when my parents walk in: 9:44

  • @Calu-c4s
    @Calu-c4s 7 месяцев назад +443

    why does he moan so much

  • @quinnmcloughlin2227
    @quinnmcloughlin2227 Год назад +10

    This three are so iconic together, every manhunt I watch must have at least one of the two

  • @kat-yuh
    @kat-yuh 4 года назад +1116

    Oh my god. My mom surprised me with coffee and walked into my room JUST as Boosfer started moaning. She gave me a weird look and went to talk to my dad.
    *I may be screwed.*
    Update: I had to explain to my parents that this was a minecraft video and not a...you know. They didn't believe me at first, until I showed them, hence the 8 hour grounding. Thanks for all the interest in an update LMAO-

  • @probablyaparent
    @probablyaparent 4 года назад +499

    I'm just a parent who fell in love with these challenge videos after my kids got me into minecraft. These are great and I really appreciate the effort you all put into them.

    • @LycanMOON
      @LycanMOON 4 года назад +34

      @@elirichards6044 well some kids can have proper grammar
      Or the use grammarly,an app built to-

    • @swifter2383
      @swifter2383 4 года назад +23

      @@LycanMOON wow that was the perfect plug lmfao

    • @hwlrr
      @hwlrr 4 года назад +26

      @@elirichards6044 I’m 11, and some people consider my grammar to be way above average. Age doesn’t really matter.

    • @yassssine5024
      @yassssine5024 4 года назад +19

      Well let me tell you, you are a great parent

    • @imthenoobdark
      @imthenoobdark 4 года назад +12

      I wish my parent like this

  • @marcusfarr3433
    @marcusfarr3433 4 года назад +88

    28:19 I love how he sits there for a second trying to comprehend what to do about this cobweb

  • @SCT_Creations
    @SCT_Creations Год назад +9

    Imagine watching this on a TV or at school with no headphones and hear boosfer just screaming daddy at the top of his lungs breaking bricks 💀💀💀

  • @midnightexe7248
    @midnightexe7248 Год назад +8

    6:07 okay that was a pretty smooth juke

  • @time5157
    @time5157 4 года назад +78

    Kier & Dev When They Have An OP Loot Twist: *Gets A Diamond Pick With Efficiency 4*
    Boosfer When He Has An OP Loot Twist: *Gets A Carrot With Sharpness 47*

  • @certifiedfurry
    @certifiedfurry 3 года назад +313

    Boosfer manhunt seeds:
    *Village, ruined portals and temples*
    My seeds:
    best I can do is *plains area with no trees*

    • @mastermagnum1323
      @mastermagnum1323 3 года назад +21

      RUclipsr caves: small
      My caves: too big

    • @darwinambrocio2262
      @darwinambrocio2262 3 года назад +4

      I feel the pain

    • @boriskogan5973
      @boriskogan5973 3 года назад +3

      he uses fsg seeds I think

    • @4dmr206
      @4dmr206 3 года назад +6

      One of my seeds have 3 pillager outposts, 12 villages savannah village a plains a snowy, 6 desert temples 5 mineshafts, a mega mushroom biome, 3 ocean monuments the stronghold and there’s more I have to check

    • @PaulBrendanCabezas
      @PaulBrendanCabezas 3 года назад +2

      He uses fsg

  • @YYangles
    @YYangles 4 года назад +860

    I'm concerned for how well Boosfer can say "Oh YeS DaDdY"

  • @_primrse_2811
    @_primrse_2811 3 года назад +16

    Boosfer’s laugh is adorable ☺️

  • @Randizzle.212
    @Randizzle.212 3 года назад +33

    Me sitting in my front room in peace.

  • @TheSusBus64
    @TheSusBus64 4 года назад +81

    Alternative title: Boosfer bullies Kier and Dev for 36 minutes and 21 seconds.

  • @Zack_Zander
    @Zack_Zander 4 года назад +56

    “They’re really funny together and have good chemistry”
    0:31 _Meanwhile..._

  • @Aw3s0m3Dem0n
    @Aw3s0m3Dem0n 3 года назад +99

    Boosfer I swear to god, I just want to play your video at max volume without my parents questioning my sexuality

  • @Ethcool3033
    @Ethcool3033 10 месяцев назад +14

    9:43 u ok there bro😂

  • @MrFishyCC
    @MrFishyCC 3 года назад +5

    I have been watching boosfer for months and i haven't noticed that it was an upside down smile

  • @darthsul7096
    @darthsul7096 4 года назад +268

    Lesson for today: dont watch boosfer at a funeral.... "oh yes daddy!"

    • @magnusthered4973
      @magnusthered4973 4 года назад +36

      Oh Jesus tell me this didn’t happen and if this did you are a legend

    • @Goosebag1
      @Goosebag1 3 года назад +27

      Oh no dont tell me that happened

    • @aviel5773
      @aviel5773 3 года назад +25

      Fck there's a funeral going on here in our place.

    • @bakudekusupremacy1722
      @bakudekusupremacy1722 3 года назад +9

      Omg the replies to this killed me😂

    • @cryflamereaper
      @cryflamereaper 3 года назад +9

      No no no no no NOOOOOOOO

  • @greeninfinite5662
    @greeninfinite5662 4 года назад +837

    i had to keep lower my volume cause of boosfer’s “yes daddy”

  • @gogzog
    @gogzog 4 года назад +103

    Do Minecraft manhunt,but writing "OP" on a sign gives you op loot.

  • @jordanrivera7016
    @jordanrivera7016 3 года назад +5

    30:01 “ I’ll finish you off” 😂😂

  • @westonreddick9341
    @westonreddick9341 3 года назад +10

    Bro your laugh is amazing, I’m the type of person to laugh when someone else laughs, and this just cracks me up!:)

  • @B.d.a.s.h
    @B.d.a.s.h 4 года назад +39

    Booster: YEs DaDy
    Me who’s mom just walked into the room: puts on headphones

  • @demons2987
    @demons2987 4 года назад +431

    November 2023 edit: this comment is so old why is it still so active

    • @Whiteboi69420
      @Whiteboi69420 4 года назад +40

      thats why i use headphones for every type of video

    • @deepaparakkal4241
      @deepaparakkal4241 3 года назад +16

      @@Whiteboi69420 I am wearing headphones, doesn't make a difference

    • @soapystud612
      @soapystud612 3 года назад +31

      @@deepaparakkal4241 then u have some garbage headphones

    • @deepaparakkal4241
      @deepaparakkal4241 3 года назад +15

      @@soapystud612 Nah, I just kept it at a high volume, because I have some hearing problems. I should have known.

    • @jakewhitehurst7728
      @jakewhitehurst7728 3 года назад +15

      @@deepaparakkal4241 oh damn my bad that sounded pretty shity the way i sayed that

  • @rafeharding9243
    @rafeharding9243 4 года назад +230

    I feel like ‘dream’ would’ve been a rlly good hint

  • @rowanferraro6544
    @rowanferraro6544 2 года назад +4

    yo I love this whole group so much y'all always make my day so much better. Tears of laughter every video

  • @Clammychow
    @Clammychow 3 года назад +5

    24:07 bro he hung in the air for a second before falling like a cartoon character LMFAO

  • @christinajenkins8702
    @christinajenkins8702 4 года назад +102


    • @Whiteboi69420
      @Whiteboi69420 4 года назад +13

      thats why i use headphones for every type of video

    • @ori_sings
      @ori_sings 3 года назад

      thats just pain but im watching these with headphones

    • @dan30_
      @dan30_ 3 года назад

      @Christina Jenkins unlucky

    • @akuxyoshi6230
      @akuxyoshi6230 3 года назад

      I hate to say it but timestamp please

    • @gbblocks1794
      @gbblocks1794 3 года назад

      @@akuxyoshi6230 9:44

  • @rund3306
    @rund3306 3 года назад +6

    17:48 tridechantment?!,? THIS. ID IS MAKING ME CRY FROM LAUGHTER GREAT VID

  • @ranbo0
    @ranbo0 4 года назад +28

    “He’s gotta be low!!!!”
    *boosfer not even a heart down*

  • @aidansamaco2324
    @aidansamaco2324 Год назад +3

    Bro Boosfer is litterally the 18+ version of Elmo💀

  • @ykii
    @ykii Год назад +2

    "You smelt a fish, and then you craft a fish block"

  • @jedicookie7373
    @jedicookie7373 4 года назад +46

    13:11 best part of the video ngl

    • @lizzy527
      @lizzy527 3 года назад +2

      Fr he just went YEET

    • @expungedbambiyt2960
      @expungedbambiyt2960 3 года назад +1

      Boosfer: *YOU ARE GOING TO B R A Z I L*
      Kier: *AAAAA-*

  • @green_leafz
    @green_leafz 4 года назад +56

    No one can tell me otherwise because in every one of boosfers manhunt videos he Spawns right next to a ruined portal

    • @Ashpikachu817
      @Ashpikachu817 4 года назад


    • @iAmPloz
      @iAmPloz 4 года назад +13

      i actually think its because they try seeds that have like a village or ruined portal near spawn when they spawn so that the manhunt isnt too long but ruined portals are actually really common so i think its legit

    • @green_leafz
      @green_leafz 4 года назад +1

      @@iAmPloz but In every manhunt video there is a ruined portal

    • @Giebachii
      @Giebachii 2 года назад

      @@green_leafz Ruined Portals aren't hard to find when you're running around different areas constantly.

  • @Alex-kb2zy
    @Alex-kb2zy 4 года назад +65

    Me:Watching this video
    Boosfer:Moans OH DADDY
    My Parent:Wtf is going on here

    • @Whiteboi69420
      @Whiteboi69420 4 года назад +3

      thats why i use headphones for every type of video

    • @shirotzetsu
      @shirotzetsu 3 года назад +1

      That is why this guy ain't my fav youtuber but besides that he's alr

    • @rip-noggy7339
      @rip-noggy7339 3 года назад


  • @jadedragongirl_1
    @jadedragongirl_1 3 года назад +3

    Booster: they both have great chemistry
    Me: hehe gæ, we love it 😀

  • @ren_simura
    @ren_simura Год назад +3

    I swear the moans always get me so har- that sounded wrong... They always catch me of guard...😭😭

  • @johan-kp3yi
    @johan-kp3yi 4 года назад +15

    I love how boosfer and all his friends have such good chemistry they make me laugh every video 😂😂😅

  • @ellie20303
    @ellie20303 3 года назад +47

    Keir: Running from boosfer and telling him not to kill him
    Boosfer: Running after Keir
    Dev: Kill him, kill him now
    Btw it’s a Star Wars reference.

    • @williamrivett9987
      @williamrivett9987 3 года назад +1

      Wen emperor Palpatine tells Anakin to kill count dooku

    • @dhakill029
      @dhakill029 Год назад

      Keir 🔥🔥🔥

  • @Usada2006
    @Usada2006 4 года назад +37

    One of these days boosfer is just going to say “yes daddy” and my parents will hear it and they will start to think Im doin shit

    • @turb0sh4d0w
      @turb0sh4d0w 4 года назад


    • @Whiteboi69420
      @Whiteboi69420 4 года назад +1

      thats why i use headphones for every type of video

  • @huntercool2232
    @huntercool2232 3 года назад +7

    15:42 They came so close to finding out and they didn’t even know.

  • @FirstShotX
    @FirstShotX Год назад +93

    Video Idea: Minecraft but you don’t moan the whole time

    • @DrBreakNeck
      @DrBreakNeck 10 месяцев назад +9

      But that’s the best part 😫😫

    • @deadpunisher4584
      @deadpunisher4584 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@DrBreakNeckYour mom is the Best part

    • @DrBreakNeck
      @DrBreakNeck 9 месяцев назад +9

      @@deadpunisher4584 erm… she wasn’t in the video 🤓☝️

    • @deadpunisher4584
      @deadpunisher4584 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@DrBreakNeck Fair Point.

  • @yassssine5024
    @yassssine5024 4 года назад +450

    Next one: minecraft manhunt but moaning gives op loot

  • @skygazer6082
    @skygazer6082 4 года назад +18

    "The carrot one shot me." I laughed so hard

  • @zandergander
    @zandergander 4 года назад +216

    my mum walked in when he said "OH YES DADDY 🥵🥵😳"

  • @TheFelix-YT
    @TheFelix-YT Год назад +2


  • @Regular_Dude_
    @Regular_Dude_ 11 месяцев назад +4

    18:38 bro got VIOLATED 😂

  • @derp4coffee
    @derp4coffee 4 года назад +39

    I was watching this on the living room tv, with the volume on high
    Those high pitched moans feel like a personal attack

  • @user-no5ci7bh8x
    @user-no5ci7bh8x 4 года назад +5

    8:28 "why is he moaning"
    that killed me😂😂😂

  • @charlottesmith8342
    @charlottesmith8342 4 года назад +10

    I can already tell this video is going to be hilariously chaotic

  • @tzo_ghoul7167
    @tzo_ghoul7167 Год назад +4

    8:50 got me rolling XD

  • @expungedbambiyt2960
    @expungedbambiyt2960 3 года назад +8

    The parts when they were moaning just had my whole family so confused and scared.
    I accidentally broke my volume button a year ago so I'm always at full volume.

  • @Koblac
    @Koblac 4 года назад +32

    Tommy: *swear*
    Dream: *tea kettle*
    Boosfer: *somethingthatmakeskidsgroundedforamonthaftertheirparentshearthevideobyaccident*

  • @fw.delusional6729
    @fw.delusional6729 4 года назад +36

    Your hint could’ve been “It’s Dream’s first name”

    • @DerGecko92_old
      @DerGecko92_old 3 года назад +2

      Too easy. We all know his name is Brick

  • @marinacabiltes2665
    @marinacabiltes2665 4 года назад +48

    nobody is cool except:the lads that dont lower their volume when boosfer says "yEs DaDdY"

    • @electrickittenz
      @electrickittenz 3 года назад +9

      headphones and earbuds gang where ya at

    • @shiwi2990
      @shiwi2990 3 года назад +3

      @@electrickittenz im here 😎

    • @electrickittenz
      @electrickittenz 3 года назад +2

      @@shiwi2990 less gooo! 👉😄👈

    • @sidsosuper5386
      @sidsosuper5386 3 года назад +3

      @@electrickittenz 😎me

    • @happycool1089
      @happycool1089 3 года назад +4

      I dont need my headphones i have my speaker on

  • @tornelysian
    @tornelysian 2 года назад +1

    13:10 that yeet was so satisfying! 😂

  • @CowardMC
    @CowardMC 3 года назад +3

    Boosfer with my volume down: *Normal*
    Boosfer when my volume is high: yEs DaDdy~
    Edit: I'm never turning on my volume when watching these people holy jesus

  • @GrandAdmiralWaffles
    @GrandAdmiralWaffles 4 года назад +12

    in today's episode of Boosfer abuses his hunters: Carrots!

  • @IneffablIe
    @IneffablIe 4 года назад +11

    Dang, that must have been HARD to do.
    Edit: after I RED it I realized that this is great comedy.

  • @WilliamReaper
    @WilliamReaper 4 года назад +5

    Dev and kier do have the best chemistry together during manhunts

  • @reality-fl1sl
    @reality-fl1sl 3 года назад +17

    13:10 you must have really liked his cut

  • @justconquran2463
    @justconquran2463 3 года назад +2

    6:07 Boosfer's ankles were never able to be recovered after that play

  • @gunsandroses896
    @gunsandroses896 4 года назад +14

    "As smart as bricks"
    Oh the irony.

  • @mendezh2276
    @mendezh2276 4 года назад +26

    Me: Watching video with my volume all the way up
    Boosfer: moans really load
    Me knowing my family is home:😐😐😐😐😐😡

  • @elyxiu6039
    @elyxiu6039 4 года назад +5

    kier in like every other video: i don’t play with sound

  • @Tristar_videos
    @Tristar_videos 6 месяцев назад +1

    i love how much Dev raged with the knockback around the beginning of the video, so funny

  • @UltiverseProductions
    @UltiverseProductions 3 года назад +3

    The insane knockback moments were too funny XD

  • @GameBoyHamazing
    @GameBoyHamazing 3 года назад +9

    after that sick donkey dodge i have a sudden urge to look for 'minecraft manhunt but it's all mounted' where nobody can leave their mount except to ride another one

  • @margaretmc2192
    @margaretmc2192 4 года назад +8

    So I’m awake at 12am to watch a boosfer video what has this came to 😂

  • @bread.mp5
    @bread.mp5 4 года назад +32

    I just begun the video but im going to assume theres a lot of secondary color jokes

  • @Monkey-e6c5l
    @Monkey-e6c5l 5 месяцев назад +1

    Boosfer's basically the funny side of manhunt lol

  • @link3767
    @link3767 3 года назад +2

    12:42 boosfer be like: get out of my cave/swamp kier.

  • @reign2029
    @reign2029 4 года назад +6

    Therapist: Moaning Boosfer is not real it can't hurt you
    Moaning Boosfer:

  • @darkfiregaming332
    @darkfiregaming332 4 года назад +5

    Me: Tell them before you start I dare you!
    Boosfer: never I would lose!

  • @bluewyzyt
    @bluewyzyt 3 года назад +19

    lmao, when u say: "Oh Yes Daddy" my family always thought im watching something else

  • @itzjoshybtw
    @itzjoshybtw 2 года назад +4


    • @ZoveRen
      @ZoveRen 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @emd_jacoozii9810
    @emd_jacoozii9810 3 года назад +3

    Dev: give us a hint with our massive brains
    Me: debatable

  • @LemonCh1ffon
    @LemonCh1ffon 4 года назад +9

    Boomer humor: i hate my wife
    Millennial humor: i hate me life
    Keir and dev humor: smelt a fish and craft a fish block

  • @scientifreak5
    @scientifreak5 4 года назад +6

    Man yesterday I saw him at like 170 k and now he is 174 k. Fast growth my guy

  • @dominicm5908
    @dominicm5908 4 года назад +6

    9:50 in front of my parents 😂

  • @preppypxwz
    @preppypxwz 5 месяцев назад +1

    THE KNOCKBACK😭 13:11

  • @bluealm0nd
    @bluealm0nd 3 года назад

    Boosifer really did yeet him huh 😂