07-13-2006 was the date for me. A damn, DAMN long time ago considering it feels just like yesterday. (yesterday is more than a year ago? Huh. Aint that a bish?)
Now I'd like to set down some guidelines.. ya know.. what were you doing that day, what didja post, etc etc.. but those usually get tossed out the window so howzabout this: Just what the hell was so important about posting that day?!
My answer: I had lurked maybe a few weeks before that.. reading here, reading there... keeping my mouth shut until one day I just had to rant.. ramble.. whatever. I dont remember the topic but I had something to say and it didnt involve tits or... or whatever!
So I posted. And then.. I clicked on the 'FreeOnes Talk' link.. and I just kept posting. Over and over and over. I couldnt stop.. and here I am in the upper echelons of post history on this board. 3,000+ posts and not banned nor universally hated or ignored. I thank you all for being here, I couldnt have done it without you guys constantly making any subject (whether it spam, serious or Tunsty) into a postworthy place to be.
My serious thanks out to:
The kickass mods. Affa and Binnef, Aces*Jacks.
The super posters. Georges (How many Georges are there with that insane post count?!) D-Rock, CivicKiller (Honda isnt such a bad brand...)
MontrealMan(Love the avatar with the lil guitar guy!) LegzMan (Opinions count and you arent afraid to shoot yers forth! *like Peter North at a Jennifer Tilly convention!* DrDeath67.... havent seen too much of you lately, man!
Professor Voluptuary. Hows this last year been for ya? Life can throw ya some real shit, eh? **********. Keep up the fight. And yer cock. And.. yer band. And.. hell, multitask like a madman. p0ggy. I argue with ya half the time and hate ya the other half. Well not an exact measurement, there. But you've certainly been an inspiration to post and think the arguments through these many months.
Gape Fan. Man.. I cant tell you how many times I see your name and think of a huge asshole. I mean.. that's sort of a compliment. But it doesnt really seem that way, does it? lol. But yeah. An ass or puss stretched wide. That's yummy, really. Tunsty.. your posts are always awesome. Way to go for consistency. It might be a silly question, but when you ask us which topic is the worst.. or silliest.. hell, you stir up more of a discussion than some of the noobie dreck that can pop up. "Fry your own cum?!"
Senob. A recent addition to the board. (At least in my mind. Months have passed since your join date!) Excellent poster. Stay around and stay cool. BigBadBrody. A staple of the FreeOnes experience. Take it easy.
RogueWolf.. DrMotorCity.. Gazinya and pussydickDenice.. everyone on this last has made 2007 better than most of the people I've seen in real life. Hope you guys are doing alright.

Now I'd like to set down some guidelines.. ya know.. what were you doing that day, what didja post, etc etc.. but those usually get tossed out the window so howzabout this: Just what the hell was so important about posting that day?!
My answer: I had lurked maybe a few weeks before that.. reading here, reading there... keeping my mouth shut until one day I just had to rant.. ramble.. whatever. I dont remember the topic but I had something to say and it didnt involve tits or... or whatever!
So I posted. And then.. I clicked on the 'FreeOnes Talk' link.. and I just kept posting. Over and over and over. I couldnt stop.. and here I am in the upper echelons of post history on this board. 3,000+ posts and not banned nor universally hated or ignored. I thank you all for being here, I couldnt have done it without you guys constantly making any subject (whether it spam, serious or Tunsty) into a postworthy place to be.
My serious thanks out to:
The kickass mods. Affa and Binnef, Aces*Jacks.
The super posters. Georges (How many Georges are there with that insane post count?!) D-Rock, CivicKiller (Honda isnt such a bad brand...)
MontrealMan(Love the avatar with the lil guitar guy!) LegzMan (Opinions count and you arent afraid to shoot yers forth! *like Peter North at a Jennifer Tilly convention!* DrDeath67.... havent seen too much of you lately, man!
Professor Voluptuary. Hows this last year been for ya? Life can throw ya some real shit, eh? **********. Keep up the fight. And yer cock. And.. yer band. And.. hell, multitask like a madman. p0ggy. I argue with ya half the time and hate ya the other half. Well not an exact measurement, there. But you've certainly been an inspiration to post and think the arguments through these many months.
Gape Fan. Man.. I cant tell you how many times I see your name and think of a huge asshole. I mean.. that's sort of a compliment. But it doesnt really seem that way, does it? lol. But yeah. An ass or puss stretched wide. That's yummy, really. Tunsty.. your posts are always awesome. Way to go for consistency. It might be a silly question, but when you ask us which topic is the worst.. or silliest.. hell, you stir up more of a discussion than some of the noobie dreck that can pop up. "Fry your own cum?!"
Senob. A recent addition to the board. (At least in my mind. Months have passed since your join date!) Excellent poster. Stay around and stay cool. BigBadBrody. A staple of the FreeOnes experience. Take it easy.
RogueWolf.. DrMotorCity.. Gazinya and pussydickDenice.. everyone on this last has made 2007 better than most of the people I've seen in real life. Hope you guys are doing alright.