With what and how you presented I gotta ask how would they recognize that it's MC's guitar? He does not have a reputation for being a musical artiste, the closest intel they would have on him that time would've been his underwear color and the extra ass crack they ripped him

It's just an ordinary guitar and no reason they would do a double-take over it, unlike with his dick MC does not parade through campus waving it in people's faces for autographs

Perhaps you meant that Troy spilled the beans on MC
Hm, I don't intend to defend Laurelin.
But there is always the option of Jocks having seen the MC move in, with the Guitar in the luggage.
Or, as you rightly stated, Troy ratting him out.
Honestly I would have loved the event to play out a tadbit different, depending on if we tried to be nice to troy and played him the guitar or not.
Cake gave away a nice opportunity to fork out the storyline a bit imho.
For example:
We treat troy nicely but don't play the guitar - he rats mc out in an act of self-defense while getting bullied.
We treat him nice and play the guitar, he keeps silent about it and takes the hits.
We treat him like shit, he rats MC out without batting an eye.
Could have created more depth to that character.
So we could have either found out that Dawe and the other apes bullied him, he tried to take it but it was too much. - Trust broken, but a friendship can be repaired. The Path forks out here, so we get close to Maya by becoming her Roommate.
That he actually is a friend. - We stay at Dorm with him, having a friend, but making our life a bit harder, getting closer to Maya and/or other girls in the process.
Or the ass we get presented anyways, regardless of how we decide. - the known route.
Because, imho, Cake could have spared us the decisions at all, as they don't affect the outcome in any known way.
Or I missed it somehow along the lines. Correct me if I err.
On this note another interesting question that keeps my mind busy:
What do you guys think about the option to speak up for Chad or not?
How might it affect the story later on?
As I'm sure it was the Jocks who got the Laptop and did the leak somehow, might he help us solve the case later on?
Or might it be a triffer, if we really go for Sage to accept it and let it rest with her, as he seems to be more occupied with other girls?
Who might be the one extorting him? (At least I clearly understood that as his reason to jump MC)